
Gaynor Lea-Greenwood, Fashion Marketing Communications,Wiley Publications, 2013

Navaz Batliwalla, The New Garconne: How to Be a Modern Gentlewoman, Laurence King Publishing, 2016

Above are some of the Websites and book I used to curate my part within the making of Perspex.


Concept Boards

To begin with we were brainstorming ideas surrounding Intimacy.

Following further ideas surrounding second skin, developed within the idea of people wearing sustainable plastic for clothing. I had researched into the idea of using tights slime and plastic for clothing involving in the transparent uses of clothing and how clothing never really hides who you are.

This then lead onto me researching mirroring and how people perceive themselves and in turn how people see them. The idea of mirrors intrigued me as I found that this could lead onto a huge psychology piece defining issues and what you see when you look in the mirror.

Highlighting peoples insecurities.