As I didn’t have any hair to play with at this point, I started to use wool to recreate braids. Experimenting with the taut of the braids and showing the textures from different braids that I’ve done above I also used different coloured yarns to show the pattern it makes.
Category: AD136
Moodboard: Denim & White Shirt
Goat Hair
Looked at ‘hair’ in catwalks. They aren’t exactly human hair but are all made of goat hair, long enough for it to look like human hair especially the Gucci sliders that looks a hairy character like Chewbacca from Star Wars.
Hair Stylists
Freshers Week Video
A short film of what I was up to during my freshers. This is a mini project of where we use our mobile phone devices to record and also edit the video using downloadable apps on our phones, showing the practicality of a mobile phone as a tool within our projects.