My Website

I was looking into buying a domain and how much they cost. It would just look much more professional if i had my own domain on my postcard, business card and CV. is way too long.

If i do buy a domain I would have to upgrade my Wix website to connect a domain which costs quite a lot. A yearly costs that will cost me £100 every year plus £10 for the domain. Its a lot of money at this time especially now that I’m currently unemployed but I am really considering it as an investment for me.
Above is my Homepage. It’s a simple layout with a slideshow type of gallery of my work from each project. I’ve chosen a font thats bold but minimal. And chosen a vertical menu as I think all my listed work will fit better that way than having a horizontal menu.
This is the layout when you click on one of the projects on left. I’ve chosen a ‘mason gallery’ to showcase the images. I wanted the images to be big enough but not too big where you can’t see the full image in one screen so I chose to have 2 columns max. This layout may change.. if theres too many images, it feels way too long / dragging scrolling down to see all the images..

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