Website Builders



  • Free basic website
  • I’m already familiar with it
  • Easy to design with their website builder tools
  • Customization is easy though might be limited but I don’t think I’ll need any complicated designs/layout
  • Straightforward
  • Can design the website layout for mobile devices !!


  • Need upgrading to have more benefits on building website
  • In order to link my domain I will need to upgrade
  • Wix ads would be displayed unless upgraded
  • Maybe limited to designs




  • It is free to link your own domain!
  • Familiar with it as I have a Tumblr account
  • Can select through readily available layouts that are Free
  • Various media can be added
  • Layouts can be customized through editing the coding


  • You have to know how to program to edit layouts. Unfortunately I’ve forgotten how to. I used to customize my personal Tumblr account but it has been years.
  • Cannot customize a selected layout easily
  • Some good layouts could cost £50+
  • Most layouts are watermarked at the bottom page

So far these are the only sites that I know and that I’m both confident enough to use to create my portfolio website. Looking at the pros and cons, I think Wix would be a better choice to create my website. The navigation and tools are easy and straightforward enough.

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