Blog Task 4, Research for Practice

In this short film named NOISE, I went outside and tried to capture the normal ambience of the city of Brighton. As this is more of an artistic film than narrative, I tired to make it so that the visuals did most of the showing and telling, to get more technical I shall discuss the makeup of the film and how it was shot, lit and how it sounded.

In terms of the different types of filming styles, I only used one pan which is at the beginning of the film and a zoom on what I think was a burst balloon. Other than that, I wanted to try and make the focus for this film to be on the framing of each shot, I made the most important things take centre stage so it grabs the viewers attention on what this film is truly about. Each shot was taken on the same day just so each shot was lit the exact same way, no artificial lighting was involved. The sound for this film I understand contains a lot of high winds, but if anything its more immersive. But other than that, the sound was coming from the environment I was in.

Below is a link to the short film NOISE:

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