Image making

I began image making by doing a brain dump where I drew in an unfiltered way, here are the results

Out of all these images I really liked the magnifying glass and the man with the hat and mustache, I thought about a detective chasing meaning and hyper analyzing every little thing trying to solve the mystery of life, I called this character “Detective Períergos”, períergos or περίεργος is greek for curious and I chose this name as I thought the detective could be my embodiment of curiosity, trying to find meaning in everything.

I continued to brain dump and created some pretty interesting images

I was practicing automatism here, while sat at my window I drew everything I felt like my hand wanted to draw, I like this drawing and think parts of it would be nice as a screen print.


I used a dictionary to give myself some inspiration, I wanted to select random worlds and see if I could find the meaning.

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