Initial Ideas/Inspiration

At the start of this project I was fascinated by doublespeak, a phenomenon that was initially described as “NewsSpeak” or “DoubleThink” in George Orwell’s book 1984, this phenomenon Is a linguistic tool used to intentionally miscommunication information through the use of jargon, misrepresentation, etc. An example of doublespeak would be calling a bin man a “garbage disposal consultant”.

The interview with William Lutz that is seen below influenced my thinking a lot.


Specifically the section around 3 minutes into the video that I have transcribed below

“reality exists not in the mind of the individual, which soon perishes but in the mind of the party which is collective and immortal, what the party says is reality is real, and how else can the party do that except by language… Those in power who control language, control how we see the world”

The view that learned language is the basis of our society and this language is changed and catered by people all the time with the goal of clarity (to ensure clear and efficient communication so society runs smoothly) but also with the goal of miscommunication to sell products, avoid responsibilities and glamorize otherwise undesirable roles resonated with me a lot and my outlook on the world.


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