[:en]Customer Profile 1
Age – 15
Gender – Female
Occupation – Senior school student
Location – Wales, Dolgellau
Family Values – Mend and make do principles run deep within the family. The families ethos being ‘waste not want not’ so this individual has an early understanding of giving old household belongings a new lease of life.
Personality – Bubbly and friendly individual who likes spending time with her friends and family.
Values – Thinks that spending time with her dance community is important and is often influenced by this community alongside her friends and family.
Attitudes – She wants to see more done to achieve a more sustainable future and be an active member of a community that strives for sustainability. Also is looking for a way she can get involved with the fight for a more sustainable future without having to suffer her studies.
Interests – Loves dancing, practise is 2 nights a week for 2 hours a night and she also helps the dance teachers teach the younger years. She participates in dance shows 2 times a year with her dance club. When in season she also plays netball for her school. Has loosely followed the news and has an understanding of the ‘strike school 4 climate change’ movement, however, she wants to know how she can help in a way that does not effect her studies.
Lifestyles – Lives with parents and goes to school Monday-Friday, 8.55am – 3.44pm. Currently studying for GCSE’s and has a keen interest in dance which is an after school hobby. Spends her money on food, transport and clothes that she saves up for, however, she does repair most of her clothing out of necessity but throws away wardrobe basics like leggings as they are cheap.
Low income through obtaining a Saturday job that pays £3.50 an hour. This individual works 4 hours every Saturday, earning £14 a week.
Customer Profile 2
Age – 16
Gender – Male
Occupation – Senior school student
Location – Chelmsford
Family Values – Hardworking individuals who are involved in their local community and believe helping others is important. Craft skills have been handed down through the generations but are not used often within the household, however, recycling household waste is important to this family.
Personality – Friendly, polite and hardworking individual. Has fun with his friends and is well liked at school and by his team mates.
Values – Values the time he spends with his friends and family. Believes in helping his community and helping his grandparents in anyway he can.
Attitudes – Wants to understand how to make small, manageable changes in his live that will allow him to do his part for sustainability. As helping within his community is important within his family he has see individuals his age raise awareness of climate change and wants to see how he can join in. As he is a busy individual he wants to make small changes that he can easily incorporate into his everyday life.
Interests – He is part of the school football and cricket teams. Practise is during Tuesday and Thursday lunch times and Wednesday night after school. Matches are then played on Saturday mornings and sometimes during the week after school.
Lifestyle – Currently studying towards GCSE’s at secondary school. School is Monday to Friday, 8.45am-3.35pm. Lives with grandparents and spends his money on food and spending time with his friends. He holds onto his clothing and only buys what he needs but due to his lack of textile skills he throws away damaged clothing rather then fix them.
Low to moderate income. This individual works 4 hours on a Friday night and 4 hours on a Saturday at £4.05 an hour, earning £32.40 a week.