
Initial Experimenation

I used this glass, as a means to distort the image. I was hoping to emulate qualities of the Surrealists style, by creating photos that seem far removed from physical reality, and instead capture what we cant see. Like Claud Cahun, I wanted to (without trying to), draw on aspects of my subconscious and capture the unseen.

Initial Experimentation

Self Portrait
Self Portrait

Overall, I am very happy with the result of these images. For me these images capture an ethereal and almost ghostly essence of the self. Specifically in the two close up shots, there is a sense of transcending the physical realm and moving into the space of the subconscious.

What really interests me in particular is: How do we know how much the image is connected with our own subconscious, and how do we identify what part is us? Can it be felt and seen and to what extend are we able to perceive the depths of our own internal reality?

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