Collage Workshop

In our lecture, we were tasked to create a collage using unconventional and tactile 3D materials and we were shown these examples below including tin foil and sweet wrappers. I think this way of collage takes a really abstract approach and makes the viewer step out of the work and interpret it in their own way which I really like and was excited to try within this workshop.

Below is the collage I made. I started off with a Yorkshire tea box with tea bags in it and started using that color scheme to guide my college. I found this process more difficult to try and use a different material than what I was used to, however, I still really enjoyed this process. I tried to conduct a narrative within this collage and create a surrealistic aspect to the piece of work which I like to involve in a lot of my work and I feel like my personality is captured within this piece of work. I really like the color scheme of this image however to improve I would have liked to use a bit more abstract tactile materials to create a more abstract image as I’ve used, in my opinion, safe materials and could have explored 3D options more. I also think this way of college is a lot more sustainable using resources that would typically be thrown away and disposed of and using these resources for college is a really interesting way of reusing.

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