To try and create some understanding of the local approach, the symbiosis business structure would be laid out if the products we create had an intention for sale. The business model is set out in a circular, responsible manner to simplify the steps used in our bioleathers lifecycle, and there are four steps. The steps are sourcing our main body of the product from food waste, cultivating the leather, and selling the items locally then symbiosis will collect the ended products to aid local compost to help the growth of allotments and farms producing more natural food. This diagram is a very early mock-up and plan of my planned system for if symbiosis did become a business. During the business module at the start of the year, I worked through this business model, and now I am at the stage of progression where I will be sharing more information with the consumer about our business structure. I will be working on the actual design for this model to make a more coherent structure with better graphics and the logo included.