In this blog post, I’m going to discuss the research that wasn’t recorded within my sketchbook. Starting off with Kathleen Ryan who lives and works in New York, USA. Ryan works with cast iron, carved marble, granite, and found objects to create sculptures that reference natural forms and industrially manufactured produce. Ryan engages with formal sculptural concerns such as volume, weight, pressure, balance, and line, while subtly alluding to the material’s historical and economic underpinnings, along with frequent references to the human body and classical motifs. What stood out to me was the detail of the beadwork and how detailed it was to create the rotting of the fruit within her exhibition Bad Fruit which was hosted in Los Angeles between February 15, 2021 – March 29 2021.
I followed a lot of bio- design accounts on Instagram to see what new upcoming designers were creating out of these materials. One creator that stood out to me the most was beexbeth on her account she documents her compost vest which stood out to me the most. She studies at the Royal College of Art, and the compost vest is made from living yarn. Her experimentations with growing plants and fungi on her garments create a larger message of creating sustainable clothing and textiles.
I started to research different artists’ experimentation with macro and textured photography. It was hard to look into just one photographer as I was looking into a variety of styles. Here’s a small mood board of inspiration and camera angles I want to look into when doing my macro photography. I want to explore the perspective of a worm’s view as I feel like the connotations create more realization of damage to the natural living world.
I’m feeling very confident about my research as I invested a lot of my everyday interest into the subject. I also really enjoyed doing the research on practitioners and methods and I was learning and viewing experimentations from the current market. One large element for me was wondering how I would market Bio-Design to the consumer as I didn’t want the consumer to be concerned by the materials, I want my platform to be an educational source as well as a place to share my design experimentations.