Future Bodies : Experimentation

Before exploring the nettle wool I wanted to get used to the drop spindle and understand the basic method of spinning yarn and I wanted to understand how that would adapt to labor costs. I watched a couple of YouTube tutorials on the process and I found the process quite therapeutic and relaxing. I found it really interesting learning about the tension of the wool as through the process the yarn consistency would start to unravel to distribute the tension through the product. I really enjoyed this process and want to explore it more in the future as I’ve seen a lot of Biodesign techniques reverting back to traditional creation and processes which I would love to learn more about.

Through my experimentations through this project, I feel like I could have pushed them further as at times I wasn’t very skilled at the design paths I chose but as it was a new topic that I was personally interested in I was very excited to put my time, patients, attempts flow through the project. I wish I explored more biodesign techniques but for this beginning experiment, I would rather have 2 understanding processes than more that I don’t understand. With this post, I’ve included the experimentation I didn’t include in my sketchbook. Part of my process is trial and error, especially with graphic design, I haven’t documented the trial and error process of the website but the experimentation was fun to do as when I was working with blank templates I had the creative freedom to design the page to symbiosis. Before the finalization of the website, I didn’t understand how I needed the design needed to fit the message, branding, content, narrative but interpreting the website as a user and putting myself into that perspective, and asking my peers for criticism helped a lot when experimenting and understanding the visuals.

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