From the shoot for the map documenting litter. While I was exploring Preston Park I went into the rockery there and was able to take a few images. I thought these images would be good for Instagram or to promote embracing nature. I knew I wanted to work with some macro photography and with the stinging nettles. Some images from this shoot are included within the nettle contact sheet. I’m really happy with the colours within these images. Blue and green have been the main colours of symbiosis and these images have such a bold control and complement of these colours.


I created this online digital garment from a quote that has kept me inspired through so much of this project. It being :

“Nature as a model… Nature as a co-worker… Nature as a hackable system

This quote inspired me to take nature and natural structures and implement the beauty of the natural world and be proud to showcase them within the design. For this, I was inspired by the shape of the nettle, when looking deeper into the original image I started to imagine it shaped as a dress. I was unsure if this outcome would be productive but I had fun working with it. I set up the page as I would set up a page within a lookbook. One of my original ideas was to create a look book and I do like the narrative that it can hold but I don’t think it would suit my branding completely. I like this outcome and I think it has turned out well but I will just go through my curation process and see if it fits within the space.

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