On this sketchbook page, I included some of the final layouts I made for the final magazine. With the look of the pages, I worked with negative space, I wanted some of the text in thinner chunks but due to the size of the magazine being square, it was harder to fit text when the articles cover 3/4 pages. I wanted to work with the handwritten layouts I used. When constructing the final magazine, I worked a lot with the imagery and editing and working with the front cover, in the last couple of days iris worked on the InDesign document and I trusted her to make the final decisions as the graphic designer and I’m not completely comfortable with graphic and InDesign as much as her. At this stage of completing the magazine, I printed out some sample text of its font size to see how large it would be within it. I’m happy with the pages I made and wish I could have had more time to collaborate with iris as we only had 3 days to work on the magazine after she got back from Christmas break before crit and our team’s full feedback and opinions. We showed the group the magazine through the development asking for feedback and they would all agree, but when it got to the last few days, they changed their opinions, and we had to rework most of the pages. I wish I had more time to work on the magazine layout with more input but overall, I’m feeling ok about the final product I just can see so many things to add which would be fun to experiment with a mixed media approach working with collage and drawing on the images, experimenting with the printed print.