Casineo provides emerging gamblers (Generation Z) with a new way to gamble, where responsible gambling features are embedded throughout the collective casino experience.
For the most part, gambling provides individuals with a fun, exciting and harmless form of adult play (Kusyszyn: 1984). However, some individuals are unable to moderate their gambling behaviour, resulting in loss of control, causing various harm to themselves, their families and even society. The 2018 Gambling Commission UK documented that 0.7% of UK players can be classified as problem gamblers (Gambling Commission: 2018, p18).
Gambling experiences are currently being designed to increase excitement and to activate users, with the use of flashing lights, activating colours and loud noises (Griffiths: 2009). Although this drives user engagement, it has the potential to negatively impact some users, promoting problem gambling tendencies.
This project does not propose the eradication of all activating gambling designs, rather it aims to portray the ways in which gambling companies can compromise, embedding deactivating experiences throughout their products. The project focuses on provoking conversations within the industry, regarding how design can positively impact responsible gambling behaviour.
The Casineo Roulette Table, which acts as the focal point of this project, has been designed with responsible gambling at the heart of the decision making process. It uses deactivating colours, minimises activating sounds, slows down the gambling process and fosters social collisions. Casineo is the safe and social gambling experience.
KUSYSZYN, I. (1984). The Psychology of Gambling. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 474(1) p133-139 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 May 2020]. Griffiths, M.D., 2009. Understanding gaming floor influences on player behaviour. Casino & Gaming International, 5(1), pp.21-26.