- The product must be feasible. This allows the project to provoke more serious conversations within the industry, as the product is actually achievable.
- The product must not alter the odds of an existing roulette table. This allows for a more convincing project, showing the industry how responsible gambling features can be designed into the casino experience without the need to change the rules of the games.
- The wheel must create no noise whilst spinning. This reduces the activating noises heard whilst gambling.
- The wheel must land on an individual number once it loses momentum. This allows for a specific outcome to be generated from the wheel spinning, much like a traditional roulette wheel.
- The chips must be easily picked up and easily placed onto the betting area. This prevents a frustrating gambling experience.
- Losing chips must be easily discarded. This allows the dealer to carry out their job efficiently, successfully managing the table.
- The chips must represent both a specific gambler at the table and a value. This allows for gamblers to be distinguishable from one another and for both dealers and users to understand the value of the chips.
- The seating and table top must be cleanable. This allows the venue to clean the parts after frequent use.