A320 – Electrical (youtube.com)
How Auxiliary Power Units Work | Part 1 : Starting (youtube.com)
Can Aircraft NAVIGATE by LASERS?! (youtube.com)
The END of GPS for Aviation?! Spoofing At Work (youtube.com)
FDIR is a field of control engineering which involves testing the responses of a system and identifying faults presented in the system. This can be through live monitoring of the sensor data to observe any discrepancies, or it can be regularly testing using a bespoke testing system to simulate environmental conditions and monitor system responses compared to expected values. Continue reading
Part of the assignment in A02 part 2 is to modify the existing wireframe provided:
A02: Developed an app with aircraft indicators for the wireframe script.
Guidance documentation for development and testing of Safety Critical Aircraft Software. It covers the planning process, development process and integration process of software in aircraft systems, this is a similar framework as the ARP4754A but more specified towards software development.
“A computer system that automates a variety of in-flight tasks, reducing the workload of the flight crew” to the point that modern civilian aircraft no longer require flight engineers or navigators. It’s main function is the flight plan.
AIRAC data (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) is updated every 28 days and includes data such as:
Ma = TAS/a_0