Week 5: A01 FDIR & FADEC

Fault Detection Isolation And Recovery (FDIR)

FDIR is a field of control engineering which involves testing the responses of a system and identifying faults presented in the system. This can be through live monitoring of the sensor data to observe any discrepancies, or it can be regularly testing using a bespoke testing system to simulate environmental conditions and monitor system responses compared to expected values. Continue reading

Week 3: A01 DO178C [WIP]

Guidance documentation for development and testing of Safety Critical Aircraft Software. It covers the planning process, development process and integration process of software in aircraft systems, this is a similar framework as the ARP4754A but more specified towards software development.

  • Objectives for software life cycle processes.
  • Descriptions of activities and design considerations for achieving those objectives
  • Descriptions of the evidence that indicate that the objectives have been satisfied.

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Week 2: A01 DO-254 [WIP]



  • Outlines a structured approach for reducing errors introduced to ensure design assurance
    • All of those planned and systematic actions used to substantiate, at an adequate level of confidence, that design errors have been identified and corrected such that the hardware satisfies the application certification basis.
  • Formed by a group of industry experts under the RTCA [Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics]
  • ED-80 is the European equivalent

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