iMac G4 working

Feb 2018: Nearly ready to go live…

iMac G5 screen on
Now just to find that Admin username and password…

We expected this iMac G5 to work; we had all the right cables and peripheries, and of course it’s the youngest of the bunch… but we are stuck at the moment until we find a boot up disk, as no one we’ve spoken to yet knows the username and password for any University of Brighton Admin accounts circa 2004.



iMac G4 working
iMac G4 running preinstalled Chess


Our biggest overall success (so far) is to have the iMac G4 running Chess. Not the most exciting game we will admit, but we are very happy to see it working again.


We have saved the best til last, we were amazed to findĀ  that the 1986 Macintosh Plus boots up! We are short of the keyboard and mouse so at the moment are limited to switching on and being cheered up by the little smiley mac icon displayed as it starts up.

Mac 1986 working
Wow, we didn’t expect that! Just need that keyboard and mouse…




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