Art of the Accident – If walls Could talk

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I opted to choose the theme ‘If walls Could Talk’. I explored the theme as a metaphor for mutism, as walls cannot talk. I related to this my grandma, who due to dementia and a language barrier cannot communicate. I researched into various wallpaper booklets in order to inspire a book experimentation. I firstly experimented with a french fold book, because the inside layers could have photographs of my grandma to reflect how she is trapped as a result of her condition. However, this ended up being too tacky and fragile. I bound the book by using a spine covered in wallpaper to act as a dado rail, however this looked far too messy. Throughout the zine, the imagery disintegrates further, with the layers of wallpaper ripping down to reveal my grandma. The revelation at the end shows her literally as a wall, showing that her metaphorical personification as a wall is a reflection of her passage to death as she becomes more mute and embodied in illness.

As a result of the failed french fold attempt I created a swatch book, again this was too fragile. The next process of development result in developing a concertina and refining the imagery to be more minimal. The busy imagery I felt was also a reason why the above experimentations did not work.

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