2016 March

Vertical Project – Collections – Glitter World – Final Piece

I expanded on the idea of covering up by creating my own glitter world. I covered up my whole room in tin foil to emphasise how glitter can cover up. I then compiled a shoot, covering up the model in nude in glitter – where the model is most insecure. Therefore, I created my own […]

Vertical Project – Collections – Screen Prints

Above are the screen prints I did inspired by the concept of covering up an identity through the facade of glitter, as a confidence barrier. The screen Printing technique allowed me to create layers mirroring the idea of putting on layers. I experimented with book black and overlaying silver the for foreground outline, to emphasise […]

Vertical Project – Collections – Cover up

(click to see GIF work) I created Gif’s emphasising how glitter is a facade and cover up to build up confidence covering one’s insecurities. Therefore I created imagery that used the glitter to cover up areas where one is most insecure, such as the body as nude.

Vertical Project – Collections – Why Glitter for me?

I contemplated on why I had such a large collection of sparkly and glittery items. I thought perhaps maybe it was just human nature, like a magpie, attracted to shiny objects. However, I felt it was more deep routed than that. The collection spans back decades. Wearing something sparkly, or perhaps, even garish made me […]

Vertical Project – Collections – Barbican Exhibition

   The ‘Magnificent Obsessions: Artist as Collector’ exhibition at the Barbican inspired initial concepts for the collections project. I thought about perhaps containing items I collected in bell jars, also looking into the more random things such as Damian Hirst proved to collect. I went round my room to start finding what I mainly collected, […]

Explain the Unexplained – Final Book Development

I compiled the illustrations of the images alluding to Plath’s ‘blackness’ in ‘Crossing the water’ to create an ambiguous story, thereby reflecting the unexplained nature. The story goes full cycle to explain itself, with the poem jumbled up at the beginning and the words ‘black(ed)’ out to be put in the correct order at the […]

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