2016 February

Explain the Unexplained – Slyvia plath ‘Crossing the Water’

Primary Photos of Grandad and Babcia, compiling photos of their environment that could suggest a cause of their depression. I particularly focused on the photo of the Star Trek show that was on TV at the time when the photos were taken, alluding to the desire for escapism as Plath talks about being ‘blinded by such […]

Crossing the Water

‘Explain the Unexplained.’ The brief ‘Explain the Unexplained’ evoked the idea of looking into the human consciousness. In particular I was drawn to poetry that explores this, such as Sylvia Plath – which, in itself is unexplained. I was drawn to Plath’s ‘Crossing the water’, which explores the idea of crossing to the escapism of […]

Black Lake

   I started directly researching into the idea of the ‘black lake’ by visiting Richmond Park, due to its ominous atmosphere synonymous with Sylvia Plath’s ‘Crossing the Water’. I experimented with creating a double shutter speed effect, to suggest an eerie feel similar to that of Sylvia Plath. Plath personifies the animals within the landscape, […]

Tibetan Monks -WELLCOME COLLECTION Exhibition

In context of Sylvia Plath’s depression I thought it would be interesting to link it to mindfulness, and positive methods that help ease depression. In particular, the Tibetan Monk exhibition seemed perfect as a research point for the mindfulness subject. The artwork at the exhibition, could also prove to be an interesting reference point for […]

Explain Why – Video Final Piece

After having a crit, I decided to further develop the parody of the 1950’s advertising campaign to promote laughter as the best medicine. I created a kitsch video using snip its and sound from 1950’s advertising campaigns; such as Kool Aid, Hamns Beer, and Folger’s coffee films to emphasise the 1950’s parody. I also added, […]


Using both found and primary imagery, I created images to experiment with the art of cropping. I specifically looked at experimenting with both colour and geometric shapes, as well as use raw marks in photoshop. Above are the pieces of work I produced, labelled underneath with the focus of the imagery used.

Explain Why -Medication Development

    Research showed that laughter proved to be contagious. Therefore, this alluded to the idea of multiples for visuals to explain why laughter is the best medicine. For example, I thought to include to multiple smiley laughing faces on the packaging, and hopefully, simultaneously this would spur the viewer to laugh too. I therefore created […]

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