Healthcare & Accommodation
Healthcare over the holidays
Over the holidays many doctors’ surgeries and pharmacies have reduced hours or close.
If you are staying in Brighton or Eastbourne and need to see a doctor
You should contact the GP surgery where you are registered. If you contact them outside of normal opening hours you will be re-directed to an out-of-hours service. The out-of-hours period is from 6:30pm to 8:30am on weekdays, all day at weekends and on public holidays (Bank Holidays).
If you are elsewhere in the UK and need to see a doctor
You should contact the nearest GP surgery to where you are and register as a “temporary patient”. This will allow you to keep your main GP as the one nearest to where you live. Alternatively, you can find the nearest Walk-in doctor’s surgery to where you are. Please note – due to measures to prevent the spread of COVID most walk-in centres will require you to call them initially to discuss your issue before they can offer you an in-person appointment.
If you have COVID symptoms
As advised in the university’s FAQs for students, if you think you have symptoms, follow these steps:
- If you are on campus or out in public, put on a face covering if you can, keep 2m away from others and return to where you live (avoiding public transport if possible).
- You will need to self-isolate straight away and refer yourself for a test via
- Call our helpdesk on 01273 642222 so we can find out when and where you’ve been on campus.
- Tell your flatmates – anyone living with you is classed as your household and they will also need to self-isolate until you’ve been tested and received your result.
- If you are living in halls, also tell the Residential Life team – they can support you and your flatmates with self-isolation.
If you need urgent medical advice but it is not a life-threatening emergency
You should telephone 111. You will speak to a healthcare professional who will direct you to the right medical service. The 111 service is available 24 hours a day seven days a week.
For a life-threatening medical emergency
You should telephone 999 or 112. You will be asked what emergency service you need, your location and postcode, the number of the telephone you are calling from and details of the medical emergency.
What is a medical emergency?
A medical emergency is a serious and life-threatening condition such as a loss of consciousness, severe chest pain, breathing difficulties, heavy bleeding, deep wounds, suspected broken bones and swallowing something harmful or poisonous. Hospitals Accident and Emergency departments (A&E) do not close over the festive period. Click here for more information about urgent and emergency care in the UK.
Wellbeing Support over the holidays
Our wellbeing service will remain open every day during the holidays, including Christmas and New Year’s Day. For wellbeing support during this period please visit our Wellbeing pages.
For students living in halls of residence, the Residential Life Team is available every night from 7:30pm – 7:30am and can provide emotional and wellbeing support: They can be contacted on 01273641064.
Returning home for the holidays?
If you are planning to return home for the holidays and leave your university room or rented accommodation, here are some tips for the festive period:
- Ensure that your room or property is securely locked
- It’s a sad fact that your house is at a higher risk of being burgled over the holidays. If your shared house will be empty over the holidays, ensure it’s securely locked, turn appliances off, set the boiler to come on for a short time each day, and consider buying a light on a timer so it looks like someone is at home. For more advice click here
- Don’t leave any valuables so they can be seen from windows
- Ensure that your belongings are insured
- If you have a good relationship with your neighbour, give them your contact details, let them know when you’re leaving and how long your property will be empty for
- If you are sharing a rented house, find out if your housemates will be there over the holidays
We strongly advise you to plan your travel home in advance. Please take a look at our public transport page for more information.
University halls of residence
University halls of residence will be open over the holidays. Please let Reception staff know if you plan to stay over the holidays.
If you are ill and need medical assistance, please visit our healthcare pages for advice.
Unihomes & Unilets
Please note that the Accommodation Office in Brighton and Eastbourne will be closed from 23rd December until the 4th January. If you are planning to stay in your university house over the holidays and there is an urgent problem with the property, for example a leak or a broken boiler, you should use your emergency number(s).
Unihome – You should contact the property owner. You can find their contact details on the noticeboard in your property.
Unilet – You should use your emergency numbers. You can find your emergency contact details in your recent December Newsletter sent to you by email.
Privately rented accommodation
If you are living in privately rented accommodation you will need to contact your letting agency or landlord directly in the event of an emergency. We recommend that you contact your letting agency before Christmas to ensure you have out-of-hours emergency contact details for use over the holiday period when their offices are closed.