Christmas carol services
Christmas carol services are a traditional part of the festive season in the UK. COVID restrictions mean that this year these events cannot be held in person. But there are services taking place online. Attending a carol service is a wonderful way of experiencing festive British culture!
Universities of Brighton and Sussex Carol Service
Monday 9 December
Join us virtually at 6pm on 9 December for a look at what’s been happening in our local community, seasonal readings and performances by the combined university choirs. And a chance for us all to sing our favourite carols!
All you need to bring is yourself, a glass of wine or juice, and a few mince pies for the occasion. Families and friends are most welcome.
We do hope you will join us.
Get your ticket now to join this virtual carol service
Other local carol and Christmas services
In addition to the information listed below, many churches will hold services and events over the Christmas period. Please check your local church’s website for details of what’s on.