Professor Katherine Johnson has been elected Chair of the Psychology of Women Section in the British Psychological Society

Professor Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson, Professor of Psychology and Sexualities, has been elected Chair of the Psychology of Women Section in the British Psychological Society (POWS).

POWS was set up as a subsection of the British Psychological Society in 1988 to:

– Bring together everyone with an interest in the Psychology of Women
Provide a forum for the Psychology of Women in research, teaching, and professional practice.
– Increase awareness and action around gender and inequality issues within the British Psychological Society, Psychology profession, and the teaching of Psychology.

She will be leading the section during the next academic year and is looking forward to contributing to a range of activities and events over the next 12 months, including a name change to Psychology of Women & Equalities Section (POWeS), interviewing Susie Orbach at the BPS flagship event Women in Psychology – From Invisibility to Influence (19 October, 2017).

Katherine said: ‘I joined POWS as an undergraduate student in 1995 and previously served on the committee for a number of years earlier in my career. I am honoured to be invited to take on the role of Chair of the section in its 30th anniversary year and look forward to working with colleagues nationally and internationally to foster collaborations and continue to promote the importance of feminist research in psychology.’

Article written by Lizzie

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