January 2021

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Black and white photo of Dr Matthew Adams

Now’s the time to rethink your relationship with nature

Principal lecturer in psychology, Dr Matthew Adams, has written an article for The Conversation on how people engage with and think about nature. This is discussed further in his new book Anthropocene Psychology. Anthropos is Greek for human and cene refers to a distinctive geological time period. The term is used to convey how, for […]

Photo of Associate Professor Lesley Murray

Interdisciplinary study to probe surge in gender-based violence driven by lockdowns

University of Brighton associate professor Lesley Murray has received a COVID-19 Rapid Response grant to delve surges in domestic abuse during the COVID crisis. The £131,485 grant from UK Research and Innovation will support an interdisciplinary team that unites Murray – Associate Professor in Sociology in the university’s pioneering Cities and Injustice Research and Enterprise Group– with Jessica Moriarty, Principal Lecturer […]

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