New members of staff- September 2016

We’ve welcomed ten new members of staff since 1st September.

Stephanie Davis, Psychology, whom many of you will know as one of our PhD students, is covering Katherine Johnson’s sabbatical this year.

Anna Zoli, Psychology, joins us from York St John

Donna Ewing, Psychology, joins us from BSMS

Deanna Dadusc, Criminology, joins us from Kent

Paul Teverson, Social Work, is a practicing social worker combining this 0.4 role with his local authority work

Helen Carter, Psychotherapy, is combining this 0.4 role with her therapeutic practice

Dwight Turner, Psychotherapy, is combining this 0.4 role with his therapeutic practice

Laura Harvey, Sociology, joins us from Surrey

Heba Youssef, Politics, has worked with us before and now has a more substantive post

Yaa Asare, Sociology, will be well known to many of you as she’s worked with us for some years. She also now has a more substantive post.

Article written by Lizzie

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