Jenny Terry from Brighton, left her job in IT recruitment behind to study Psychology and Sociology BA(Hons) at the University of Brighton. Continue reading “Jenny’s journey to first-class Psychology and Sociology BA(Hons) graduate”
Tag: University of Oxford
Fairness and the City: A better politics. Annual Lecture for the University of Brighton’s Festival of Social Science
Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor at the University of Oxford will be delivering the University of Brighton Annual Social Science Forum Lecture.
Thursday 19th May 2016
Of the richest 25 countries in the world the UK has become one of the most unequal and is on course to win the ‘global race’ to become the most economically unequal of all by 2030. In all of Western Europe, apart from in post-crisis Ireland, no other country taxes and spends as little on its society as the UK does. Once all taxes are considered it is clear that the most well off 1% of society pay tax at a lower rate than the poorest tenth, whilst simultaneously complaining about how much they contribute and how little they think they get back. Danny Dorling is a leading thinker on the geography of inequality and a member of the London Fairness Commission. His recent lecture addressed these glaring disparities; considering how we arrived at this situation and what we could do about changing it.
Huxley Lecture Theatre, Room 300, Huxley Building, University of Brighton, Lewes Road, Brighton. BN2 4AT
For more information contact Julie Green: