Shocking survey shows that 75% of police agree with carrying a taser


With over 8000 Metropolitan Police stating in a recent survey that they should be allowed to carry a taser, this has become a hot topic for debate.

Professor Peter Squires, of Criminology and Public Policy at the University of Brighton, speaks to The Conversation about the lessons learnt from countries where police carry weapons, and what the research and evidence show so far.

What do you think? Read the full article here and let us have your feedback on whether police carrying tasers is a good idea.

Four key economic trends shaping society

Philip Haynes, University of Brighton

The year is off to a turbulent start; both in the UK, and around the world. January saw oil prices plummeting, while Chinese growth slowed, spooking investors (but surprising none). But amid the turmoil and confusion of global stock markets, there are a few economic trends which look set to hold sway throughout 2016.

Here’s a wrap up of some of the key developments which will shape our society in the months to come. Continue reading “Four key economic trends shaping society”