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Tag: Annebella Pollen
HOAD lecturer restores Victorian poster to shed light on historic library battles
The chance discovery of an 1890s poster campaigning for Worthing to have its first public library strikes a chord with public service battles that continue today. Continue reading “HOAD lecturer restores Victorian poster to shed light on historic library battles”
Lecturers give free online talks as part of University exhibition looking at how objects are seen, from treasures to junk
From ‘The Fetishism of Commodities’ and ‘Graphic Interventions’, to ‘The Social Life of Unwanted Things’ and ‘Tracing the pursuit of (modern) happiness’ sign up to what promise to be fascinating events. Continue reading “Lecturers give free online talks as part of University exhibition looking at how objects are seen, from treasures to junk”
Lecturer’s revealing book about Britain’s historic nudist movement
The eye-opening history of naturism in 20th century Britain is the subject of a new book by Fashion and Design History lecturer Dr Annebella Pollen. Continue reading “Lecturer’s revealing book about Britain’s historic nudist movement”
Fashion and design history lecturer teams up for lockdown photo project
Dr Annebella Pollen has teamed up with Historic England to explore pictures taken by the public during the first 2020 lockdown. Continue reading “Fashion and design history lecturer teams up for lockdown photo project”
Thinking about choosing a history of art and design degree?
Here are a set of short videos by academic staff in the History of Art and Design programme exploring some of the subjects we teach and/or the approaches we use.
Continue reading “Thinking about choosing a history of art and design degree?”
Brighton academic to write British Council history
History of Art and Design academic Annebella Pollen has won a competitive commission to write a popular history of the British Council’s Visual Arts Department and Collection. Continue reading “Brighton academic to write British Council history”
Annebella Pollen on ‘vinegar valentines’
The Academic Programme Leader for our History of Art and Design subject area is quoted in the Boston Globe on the less sugary valentines that were popular between 1840 and 1930. Continue reading “Annebella Pollen on ‘vinegar valentines’”