Christian Høgsbjerg book cover

Lecturer’s new book looks at life histories of radical figures in relation to black liberation struggle

Revolutionary Lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917 co-edited by Christian Høgsbjerg is published on 19 April 2022 and brings to light the life histories of those whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. Continue reading “Lecturer’s new book looks at life histories of radical figures in relation to black liberation struggle”

loss and grief book

“I worked as a psychotherapist in the NHS, then worked for the Trauma and Counselling Service at the London Fire Brigade and in private practice”

Psychodynamic Counselling & Psychotherapy graduate Christine Hopfgarten on studying at Brighton, her career since, and her new book.

Continue reading ““I worked as a psychotherapist in the NHS, then worked for the Trauma and Counselling Service at the London Fire Brigade and in private practice””

Today’s gift is tomorrow’s commodity. Yesterday’s commodity is tomorrow’s found art object. Today’s art object is tomorrow’s junk. And yesterday’s junk is tomorrow’s heirloom

Lecturers give free online talks as part of University exhibition looking at how objects are seen, from treasures to junk

From ‘The Fetishism of Commodities’ and ‘Graphic Interventions’, to ‘The Social Life of Unwanted Things’ and ‘Tracing the pursuit of (modern) happiness’ sign up to what promise to be fascinating events. Continue reading “Lecturers give free online talks as part of University exhibition looking at how objects are seen, from treasures to junk”

humanities society event

Come to a talk from Professor Tony Booth on Islamic Philosophy on 18 November, 6.30pm

Come to the Humanities Society event at the University of Brighton’s Edward Street to hear this University of Sussex professor discuss Islamic philosophy. This is a drop in society – you can sit back, listen and relax, or ask questions and debate! Everyone is welcome.
Continue reading “Come to a talk from Professor Tony Booth on Islamic Philosophy on 18 November, 6.30pm”

cover of the new edition which features a flame

Decolonising the Curriculum – new issue

The latest issue of Decolonising the Curriculum is now available with a focus on teaching and learning about race equality.

The publication features multidisciplinary articles, with examples of evidenced-based practices, from academics and thoughts from students across five Higher Education institutions including Dr Lambros Fatsis from the School of Applied Social Sciences.

Download your copy.(pdf)

open city podcast image

Lecturer Anita Rupprecht discusses transatlantic slave trade on Open City podcast

In the wake of the BLM protests, podcast series Slavery and the City looks at what it means for Britain to reckon with the history of the transatlantic slave trade – and Humanities lecturer Anita has contributed to the second episode on London’s Guildhall and the slave ship, Zong massacre.

Continue reading “Lecturer Anita Rupprecht discusses transatlantic slave trade on Open City podcast”