Sustainable campus in Falmer

Brighton jumps into top 30 in new university sustainability league table

The University of Brighton has climbed an impressive 16 places to secure a spot in the top 30 of the latest People & Planet University League, a prestigious ranking of 165 UK universities based on their environmental and ethical performance.

Brighton’s achievement also places it as the fourth most sustainable university in the South East, showcasing its leadership in sustainability within the region.

Continue reading “Brighton jumps into top 30 in new university sustainability league table”

Kate becomes new President of the British Psychological Society

Professor Kate Bullen, head of the School of Applied Social Science, will become the new President of the British Psychological Society (BPS) at its AGM on 30th August.

Professor Bullen has been interviewed by the BPS’s ‘The Psychologist’ magazine as she takes the chair and said “I’m honoured to have the opportunity to serve as BPS President for 2018/19, during a time of exciting change and positive progress for the Society.”

Professor Kate Bullen, Head of the School of Applied Social Science


Read the full story here.



We’ve been chosen to help access national teaching standards (TEF) around the UK

Cath Holmström, Deputy Head of School of Applied Social Science (Student Experience and Recruitment) and Joanna MacDonnell, Director of Education (Arts & Humanities), have been chosen to help access the quality of teaching and learning environments in Higher Education institutions around the UK. Continue reading “We’ve been chosen to help access national teaching standards (TEF) around the UK”

Graduation – SASS prizewinners, the class of 2017

This week, more than 4,400 University of Brighton students graduated at our ceremonies at the Brighton Centre which started on Tuesday (25 July). Students aged 19 – 79 and from over 90 countries dressed in gowns and mortarboards to collect their awards.

The School of Applied Social Science (SASS), class of 2017, took to the stage on Wednesday 26th July for the morning ceremony. Continue reading “Graduation – SASS prizewinners, the class of 2017”

Kate Bullen BPS Presidential Elect

SASS Head of School elected as President of the British Psychological Society

Professor Kate Bullen, Applied Social Science Head of School and Professor of Psychology, has been elected as President of the British Psychological Society (BPS).  The BPS is the second largest psychological association in the world, second only to the American Psychological Association. Continue reading “SASS Head of School elected as President of the British Psychological Society”

If the banks were too big to fail, why isn’t the British steel industry?

Alex Simpson, University of Brighton

The financial crisis of 2008 taught us that markets fail. But the current plight of the steel plant in Port Talbot, Wales, shows how not all markets fail equally.

Eight years ago the UK treasury pumped £850 billion into a failing banking industry. Teetering on the brink of collapse, the Treasury stepped in through a succession of loans, share purchases and liability guarantees, using 89% of its assets to prop up the industry. The historic step led to the government owning a majority stake in Royal Bank of Scotland, one of the world’s biggest banks, and more than 40% of the combined Lloyds TSB and HBOS banks. Continue reading “If the banks were too big to fail, why isn’t the British steel industry?”

How to build better prisons

Yvonne Jewkes, University of Brighton

The “new for old” prison reform programme would close old city-centre jails in British cities, such as the iconic HMPs Pentonville, Wandsworth and Strangeways. Speculation about what will replace these notorious Victorian “houses of correction” has been rife.

These and more recent prisons also slated for closure, such as HMP Holloway, occupy valuable city centre sites. Some will be bulldozed or redeveloped as housing – or even, as with the former HMP Oxford, as a boutique hotel with rooms designed around the former cells, exercise yards and punishment blocks. Continue reading “How to build better prisons”

Fairness and the City: A better politics. Annual Lecture for the University of Brighton’s Festival of Social Science

Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor at the University of Oxford will be delivering the University of Brighton Annual Social Science Forum Lecture.
Thursday 19th May 2016

Of the richest 25 countries in the world the UK has become one of the most unequal and is on course to win the ‘global race’ to become the most economically unequal of all by 2030. In all of Western Europe, apart from in post-crisis Ireland, no other country taxes and spends as little on its society as the UK does. Once all taxes are considered it is clear that the most well off 1% of society pay tax at a lower rate than the poorest tenth, whilst simultaneously complaining about how much they contribute and how little they think they get back. Danny Dorling is a leading thinker on the geography of inequality and a member of the London Fairness Commission. His recent lecture addressed these glaring disparities; considering how we arrived at this situation and what we could do about changing it.

Huxley Lecture Theatre, Room 300, Huxley Building, University of Brighton, Lewes Road, Brighton.  BN2 4AT

For more information contact Julie Green:

A political movement is rising from the mud in Calais

Raphael Schlembach, University of Brighton

Since the official refugee reception centre in the French town of Calais closed in 2002, undocumented migrants hoping to cross the Channel to Britain have found shelter in a number of squatted migrant camps, locally known as “the jungles”.

Consisting largely of tents and self-built shacks, the two largest in Calais and Dunkirk now have some 8,000 residents between them. Many are refugees fleeing conflict in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan and surviving in extremely poor living conditions. Continue reading “A political movement is rising from the mud in Calais”

Obama’s bold move against guns proves the politics of firearms really is changing

Peter Squires, University of Brighton

It’s common in the US to refer to a second-term president in his final year as a “lame duck”, his time limited, his momentum gone, and his political capital ebbing away to whoever’s next in line for the White House. But, not for the first time, Barack Obama has surprised and confounded his critics.

Deeply frustrated by the failure of his package of “sensible gun controls” to secure enough votes in the Senate back in April 2013, he has now announced a series of executive control measures as a way of delivering on key gun control commitments, re-energising the debate and doing so in a way that may favour the Democratic cause in a presidential election year. Continue reading “Obama’s bold move against guns proves the politics of firearms really is changing”