Asa Brennan

Studying Psychology at Brighton

Asa Brennan is in the first year of our Psychology BSc(Hons). Read on to find out how they’re getting on and why Brighton is the right uni for them.

Why I chose psychology

I am really interested in all aspects of Psychology after it being my favourite subject at A-Level. I know I want to pursue a career in Psychology although I’m still unsure about the direction I want to go in and the broad course allows me to explore so many different areas to find what I’m interested in.

Why I chose Brighton

The modules looked particularly interesting to me plus the course is British Psychology Society (BPS) accredited which was important to me if I wanted to go on to be a practicing psychologist in the future. I also loved the look of Brighton as a city and the queer culture, and it was a big move for me since I’m from Newcastle which was very exciting!

I am most enjoying

I’ve really enjoyed meeting like-minded people and made some valuable friends on the course. It’s also such a wide range of topic areas taught every week, and I never know what I’m going to have a lecture on week after week which keeps it exciting and new.

The assignments allow for a lot of freedom as you can pick essay questions which are the most interesting to you, so your work doesn’t really feel like work if you’re enjoying what you’re researching!

Being a Brighton psychology student

The course facilities are great with lots of specific teaching labs like computer rooms and simulation labs for more technical research involving virtual reality etc. The teaching environment is perfect with big lecture halls to avoid crowding and smaller seminar groups to allow for comfortable conversation and debate.

The course team are lovely, super helpful and will always make time for you if you pop them an email. You are entitled to 1:1 support from tutors for every assignment which can be very helpful. As well, Student Support and Guidance Tutors (SSGTs) can help with non-academic issues which may be affecting your time at university, and I have had positive experiences with my SSGT.

If you’re considering uni

I think if you’re interested in Psychology, whether you have your 5-year plan or have no idea what you want to do, Brighton is a great place to develop your psychology career and develop as an adult in a new, independent environment, so I say go for it!

Try not to dwell too much on the scary things about starting uni and get excited about the new experiences and freedom you will have!

Honestly, don’t stress about making friends and try not to compare yourself to others from the get-go. Everyone will find their people at their own pace and make sure to get comfortable with your own company because it will be lonely at first, but I promise you will make amazing friends. You might meet people and never speak to them again and that’s okay! You will know when you’ve found your people and stick with them.


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