image of war lecture slide

Thinking about choosing a Humanities degree?


Here are a set of short videos by academic staff in the Humanities programme exploring some of the subjects we teach and/or the approaches we use.

Most of these talks are under 4 minutes long, some (with asterisks) are longer – 15-20 minutes. We hope you enjoy them.

Humanities: history, philosophy, culture and politics

Hidden transcripts of African-American resistance
In this brief overview, Dr Jon Watson considers a useful conceptual framework we use to uncover acts of resistance embedded in everyday culture: the idea of a ‘hidden transcript.’

Images of war
In this short video Dr. Zeina Maasri asks why contemporary images of wartime conflict do not appeal to our ethical predisposition to respond to them and introduces some of the key debates concerning this issue.

The idea of geneology
Dr Joanna Kellond introduces the idea of ‘genealogy’, created by Friedrich Nietzsche.

The making of the black Atlantic
Dr Christian Hogsbjerg gives an introduction to GHI – The making of the Black Atlantic module

Catherine Bergin on ‘The voice of the enslaved’

Dr Catherine Bergin discusses slave narratives

Courses in the Humanities Academic Programme :

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