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English Lit student praised in Brighton Poetry Festival competition

Congratulations to Hazel Rogers whose poem Train Writing was runner up in the student category.

Train writing

Tis darker than when I climbed the stairs

The moon is rising behind a buttermilk sky

The green turns to black

The trees to skeletal protrusions leading a sordid jamboree over the pastures

It is in these days

When the sun meets the ferns

And the forest, as if breathing Pulses and sways

Wintertide morn on fronds Waterlogged foliole

This is where the sky meets the hills

And the trees, as though living

Quiver and shudder in the wind

The lights are bright in this here capsule

I am between loves of mine

Adieuing and gooddaying

From dawn-to-dawn

Between hearths and fires Hearts and smiles

Is my love spanning.


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