The 5th Housing Forum in being hosted in collaboration with the Brighton and Hove Community Land Trust.
Tales of the new Diggers & Dreamers: One year on
Community solutions to the housing crisis in Brighton & Hove
Sat 16th March, at the Gallery, University of Brighton, Grand Parade, BN2 0JY.
10 – 4.30: drop in or stay the whole day!
Please book here for FREE at eventbrite
We invite you to come and hear stories and see pictures of what it’s like to build your own homes in Brighton & Hove, told by the people doing it. Over the last year over 150 people in Brighton & Hove have been involved in developing their own housing projects and this is a chance to hear what it is like, the ups and downs and to see the amazing homes and communities they are making.
10am – 10.30 Welcome, refreshments and browse our exhibitions, photos and film
10.30 – 12.30 Live interactive sessions: Stories and photos
We will hear from some of the following community-led housing groups (schedule being finalised):
- Sussex Cohousing is developing 30 homes as an intentional community, where sharing of resources will be the norm and they will shared meals in their common house.
- Bunker Self Build Housing Coop is developing their first 3-bedroom affordable eco homes for low income families for £225k each, using modern construction methods.
- SEASALT Student Housing Coop is creating the first affordable student-led housing in the SE of England, through buying and refurbishing a large 10-bed house and running it themselves cooperatively.
- Coldean Community Organisation is creating 12/15 affordable homes and community facilities including a gymnasium for the people of Coldean.
- South Downs Eco is creating affordable living/work spaces in a site in the South Downs National Park.
- Roost Self Build Housing Coop is developing their first small family homes, sharing many resources cooperatively to make living more sustainable and affordable
Other groups will also participate.
12.30 – 1.30 Buffet LUNCH
1pm Vote on the Community Led Housing beautiful vision designs.
The University of Brighton Graphic Design students will be showcasing their design ideas for a vision of Brighton with much more community-led housing. You can vote for the most persuasive designs.
1.45 – 3.45 Live interactive sessions: Stories and photos
We will hear from some of the community-led housing groups listed in the morning session. (schedule to be finalised)
3.45 – 4.15pm BHCLT – 5 things that make community-led housing possible. How you can create your own homes?
We will present some of the key lessons learned from a year of helping groups to build or buy their own homes.
4.15pm – Feedback from participants with a questionnaire and verbally
4.30pm – Close
Please book here for FREE at eventbrite
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