On Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 3.00pm-6.00pm
At the University of Brighton, Room G4, Grand Parade Main Building, Brighton, BN2 0JY
Please register your attendance via eventbrite
What knowledge can we share about the housing situation in Brighton and Hove?
What do we not know and need to find out?
This Housing Forum will focus on collating existing knowledge about the housing situation in Brighton and Hove. We will focus discussion around some of the key themes identified in the first forum: homelessness; the private rented sector; alternative forms of housing; local policy and planning; the national picture; and the housing needs of marginalised groups. Please come prepared to talk about any resources and research that you would like to share. We aim to collate this information to create an online resource centre to support those thinking about housing in the city. We will also identify what gaps there are in our knowledge and work out what research is needed most urgently to support community led efforts to tackle the housing crisis.
We’ll set up an information table to collate flyers, leaflets and general resources for people to take away. Feel free to bring along information from your group to add to this space