Joint Block and External Brick work

Hello readers,

I hope that over the recent weeks you have enjoyed my blog and found it informing and also fairly exciting. This week however I am happy to tell you that today I will be able to discuss the next stage of construction. Yesterday I once again visited the hillside site and found that PMC have now progressed onto the early stages of the joint block work adjoined with the external brick work as shown by the images below. It is hard to determine the exact construction of the walls as I am unable to get any closer for the time being however it would appear that they are definitely going for some form of cavity wall or even a Gypsum area separation wall. It is also hard to make out exactly the type of brick however we can tell it is either a standard or some form of molar brick following a basic stretcher bond. Hopefully, by the end of this week I will be able to capture some photos of the progressed brick work and we will finally begin to see the buildings gain some form and character.

Next time I will be sharing with you more information regarding the equipment types and the suppliers of said machinery that are responsible for the majority of the work carried out on site. Also, I hope to be able to discuss the electrical power supply and methods as well as the means of waste and material disposal. Until next time!





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