Strategy of Construction

Dear Readers,

this week I revisited our site however they have not yet progressed onto the next stage of construction therefore in this weeks post I would like to discuss with you the Building strategy for the hillside construction site. Below I have attached an image of the site map showing the order for the phases of construction that I will refer to throughout this post.

Through reading the planning document I have been able to gain a good idea of the strategy. I have contacted PMC and asked for some more specific and detailed planning documents with dates regarding phases of construction which hopefully I will be able to share with you in the coming months.

The initial stage, shown by the grey section in the diagram is to build the road that will allow for the materials and equipment to be brought into the site as well as eventually being the primary means of access for tenants to their homes. PMC are then going to construct the drainage and service ducts which will be very helpful for allowing a cleaner work environment for the construction workers and machinery. This has already been completed.

The planning document lists the stages of construction as well as the environmental and sustainable impacts for each phase of construction as shown by the information cited below.

Construction work within each block phase will then proceed as follows:
• Reinforced Concrete Frame
o Environmental Impact Considerations include
▪ Dust
▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Co2 and Carbonates from Curing Concrete
▪ Waste

• Thin Joint Blockwork (MMC)
o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
Revision G 03/02/2020
▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Waste
▪ Dust

• Windows / Door installation
o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Waste
• External Brickwork

o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Dust
▪ Noise / Emissions from onsite machinery
▪ Co2 and Carbonates from cement
▪ Waste
• Secondary Steelwork / Balconies

o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Waste

First Fix Electrical and Mechanical                                                                                      Environmental Impacts Considerations include

▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Waste

• Roof Covering
o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Chemical
▪ Noise
▪ Waste

• Drylining / Plaster boarding
o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Dust
▪ Noise / Emissions from onsite machinery
▪ Waste

• Second Fix Electrical and Mechanical
o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Waste

• Finals / Finishes
o Environmental Impacts Considerations include
▪ Noise / Emissions from possible onsite machinery
▪ Waste
▪ Dust
▪ Chemical

Later in this blog I will be discussing environmental impacts in greater detail as there has been a lot of issues and controversy regarding this site that I very much look forward to discussing with you. I hope this weeks update has been informative and created a very clear breakdown for the construction phase strategy.

thankyou for reading!



PMC Construction and Development Services LTD (03/02/2020) The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) available at (Accessed 18/03/2022)

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