Personal Project: A Comic (Part 3)
I had another Tutorial after finishing two of the new pages (the shaded ones). After it, I started to question what the point of the comic was. The Comic as a whole, but also my art style.
My biggest fear had been laid out in front of me in horrific, gory detail. The “S” word. No, not shit, but Steadman. One of my biggest influences.
Which is the problem.
That tutorial made me realise that as individual as we all love our art to be, there is no such thing. Our pretty pictures are nothing more than influences, at least for me. Aspects like faces in some cases have been a developing style for me over the past 2 years, but overall the tone of my images and Steadman’s are too similar for my liking.
Some advice I got at the Tutorial was to use the time I had left to draw the comic, but with different media that I am not used to, to break out of this Steadmanesque motif I seem to be stuck in.