When Worlds Collide (Part 1)

I have never done Screen Printing.I only draw. So, when we were told we had to do screen printing, I was kinda nervous, but a little excited too.  Unfortunately, turns out I suck at it.

In pairs, we chose two words as the the theme of our Prints, ours being “Anarchic” and “Ritual”.

So to get the creative juices flowing, I started doing some sketches of angry people, or people who looked pissed off:

Once I was happy with a design, I started on the stencil, this took time, because I wanted to have the face be printed, meaning very thin lines needed to be cut out. The main problem I found was figuring out where I needed to cut so I wouldn’t mess up the whole stencil.  After I finished the stencil, I used some painted over it to get an idea of what the stencil would look like:


So after that, screen printing happened. My partner had done her stencils and we layered them on top of each other,  which I think overall worked quite well.

The problem I had with screen printing was that it was, to be blunt, incredibly boring. Having to clean the board every time you wanted to change a colour, then wiping down with a new paint colour ready to print the next stencil, and sometimes the wipe doesn’t go all the way through and you forget to wash your board sometimes and… Well you get the idea.

Overall I was happy with the final prints, and maybe if I do more screen printing, I’ll get faster at all the boring stuff, but for now, it’s not for me.

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