© 2020 Helly Pringle


When creating my business cards, I decided to experiment and see if I could create digital / moving business cards. I did this as I have been reflecting a lot recently about this new world we are living in, and at the moment giving out business cards is not a safe thing to be doing. This is because of social distancing rules and the potential virus that could be carried on the business cards. This is why I thought it could be interesting to create a digital form of business cards. I am really pleased with these tests I created, unfortunately the quality of the videos isn’t great as I filmed the content on zoom. However, I think that actually adds to the aesthetic and makes the cards quite personable. In terms of giving out these cards, I thought I could maybe attach them as my signature on emails when applying to jobs etc. I am going to continue thinking of other ways I can utilise these moving cards.



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