Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

First National Conference for Occupational Therapists working or interested in diverse settings – 7th September 2016

  Channine Clarke and Sarah Mead are currently planning a one day conference / workshop for occupational therapists working in diverse settings. It will take place on Wednesday 7th September 2016 on the Eastbourne site and will include keynote sessions with Dr Jennifer Creek (speaking about her PHD research in this area of practice), Professor…

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Resilience Workshop – Occupational Therapy

Two SHS occupational therapy lecturers delivered a lively workshop entitled ‘Resilience for ourselves and our clients’ to approximately 50 occupational therapists at their South East regional study day at the College of Occupational Therapists headquarters in London on 13th July.

University Occupational Therapy lecturers to run BAOT study day

Josh Cameron and Sarah Mead have been invited to run a study day for the BAOT (South East Region) drawing on their research and practice experience related to building resilience for staff and service users: details are: “Building resilience for our patients & us: What does this look like?” – Wednesday, 27th April 2016 – COT…

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