Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Appeal for parents with babies under three-months to volunteer for research

We are appealing to parents with babies under three-months to volunteer for research which is aimed at improving our understanding of the development of children’s feet. Volunteers will each receive £20 Love2Shop gift vouchers each time they visit our baby space at the Eastbourne campus where their feet will be looked at using state-of-the-art technology…

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First National Conference for Occupational Therapists working or interested in diverse settings – 7th September 2016

  Channine Clarke and Sarah Mead are currently planning a one day conference / workshop for occupational therapists working in diverse settings. It will take place on Wednesday 7th September 2016 on the Eastbourne site and will include keynote sessions with Dr Jennifer Creek (speaking about her PHD research in this area of practice), Professor…

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Congratulations to Ann Moore, CBE

I am delighted that Professor Ann Moore was awarded a CBE for services to  physiotherapy. Ann retired from the School of Health Sciences (formerly School of Health Professions) last year. She is currently Emeritus Professor with the University of Brighton. Ann was Chair of the National Association for Educators in Practice (NAEP) from 2007 to 2012 and is now…

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Prince Harry tries out university project

Prince Harry tried his hand at a university led research project as he helped launch a campaign to end the stigma surrounding mental health. Source: Prince Harry tries out university project

Brussels terror attack victims show how humans help each other in times of crisis

Chris Cocking, University of Brighton The world is rightly shocked by the immense pain and suffering caused by the deadly attacks at Zaventem airport Brussels and on the city’s metro. But it is also important to consider that while such acts need to be condemned in the strongest possible terms, the way people respond to…

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