Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

The Man with Nothing

Football is helping refugees cope with the misery of camp life in Dunkirk, according to University of Brighton graduate Daniel Mansaray who spent time living with one refugee in his wooden shack. Daniel has written a blog telling how the refugee Zayran (not his real name) fled his native Iraq after being attacked by terrorists…

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Inspiring OT graduate – CircusAid project

Inspiring graduate Sophie Thwaites has spent the past few months working on a project called CircusAid, with another couple of occupational therapists based in America. They are raising and collecting funds for an interactive project to address the mental health and loss of occupational roles currently experienced by the refugees in Calais, through providing circus activities that…

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Green week charity bake sale

The Green Week bake sale hosted by the SHS Sustainability Special Interest Group (SIG) raised a total of £118.54, which will be given to the Hummingbird Project to help with medical care of refugees in Calais. The SIG also helped with the collection of food/toiletries donations for the Brighton Voices in Exile group who help…

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