Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

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Brighton health students to help improve dementia care

Physiotherapy, occupational therapy,  paramedic and adult nursing students are set to take part in an award-winning programme Time for Dementia, to improve dementia care. The programme pairs families affected by dementia with undergraduate students studying healthcare.  Families take part in the project over a period of two years, and are visited by a pair of students…

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Staff successes

NIGEL SHERIFF was an invited speaker for a Public Health Wales seminar to discuss the EC Health4LGBTI project on 22nd July. The Seminar aimed to : Raise awareness and understanding of LGBT health Learn more about the present and evolving evidence related to LGBT health Identify priorities for both future research and future practice As part…

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Student and Staff successes – May 2016

Amanda BLABER has been made an Honorary Fellow of the College of Paramedics. One of our Yr3 students in Physio, Florence ECCLESON, did a fantastic job running 2 workshops with Angela GLYNN and Julia MONTGOMERY (BSMS) to highlight the IP compassion research that we have been doing. Great to see that Jacqueline Joyce who was…

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