Sport and health science courses at Brighton news


Podiatry simulation

Management of Nail Pathologies

Prior to using equipment on patients in placement, there is the opportunity to practice and improve the skills required using the Nail and Callus foot models.

a student using a foot drill

Essential wound care skills preparation

As a practicing Podiatrist, proficiency in wound care and aseptic non touch technique is vital in order to ensure appropriate infection control. As part of the learning and development on the course there are multiple opportunities to practice wound care techniques on the simulated foot models. 

Ultrasound technique development

Ultrasound is one of the physical therapies used as a Podiatrist. Development of the correct technique can be obtained by practicing during clinical placement sessions. 

student using ultrasound on a foot

Improving scalpel technique 

Appropriate scalpel technique is required in the management of numerous presenting pathologies. Prior to use of the scalpel on placement, scalpel competency needs to be demonstrated. This can be achieved using the callus and nail models to practice under the supervision of the tutors.

Off-loading strategies

Part of the course covers off loading strategies. This will cover temporary padding placement, chair side orthoses and in shoe devices. These skills will be developed and improved throughout the course with the assistance of staff and the simulation models.

demonstrating padding

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