Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Students shine at the Doctoral College conference

School of Sport and Service Management PhD students, Jennifer Holland and Hanno Martens, received awards at the recent Doctoral College conference. Jennifer was awarded best College of Social Sciences oral presentation for ‘Navigating Uncertainty: the influence of risk on consumer decision-making in Ocean cruising’ and Hanno awarded runner up for ‘The tourism destination image effects of sport events: a…

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Sustainability Symposium

The Sustainability Special Interest Group recently held their annual symposium with a wide range of university staff and students presenting and attending who came from the local area, other UK cities, Sweden and Turkey.

Inspiring OT graduate – CircusAid project

Inspiring graduate Sophie Thwaites has spent the past few months working on a project called CircusAid, with another couple of occupational therapists based in America. They are raising and collecting funds for an interactive project to address the mental health and loss of occupational roles currently experienced by the refugees in Calais, through providing circus activities that…

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Award for the most entrepreneurial service

The University of Brighton enterprise programme beepurple recently gave away £10,000 of prizes to entrepreneurial graduates and one of our Occupational Therapy alumni Alice McGarvie received an award for the most entrepreneurial service.

College of Occupational Therapists (COT) Conference

Four of the Occupational Therapy team are attending the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) conference at the end of June. Dr Josh Cameron, Principal Lecturer, is doing a seminar session is entitled: Building resilience for mental health recovery: a Recovery College collaboration. The co-authors are Sussex Partnership Trust OTs Mair Reardon and Anna Kemp; Peer Trainers:…

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Research sabbatical

Dr Josh Cameron, Principal Lecturer in Occupational Therapy has been successful in his application for a University research sabbatical. This will begin in November 2016 and finish 6 months later at the end of April 2017. He is committed to using the bulk of this time to analyse and write up findings from the Imagine Project which…

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Numbers of graduates finding jobs hits all-time high

Numbers of University of Brighton graduates finding jobs or moving into further study hits all-time high. Source: Numbers of graduates finding jobs hits all-time high


The number of University of Brighton graduates finding work or moving on to further study after completing their studies has hit its highest ever level.  According to the latest annual figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, more than nine out of ten graduates who completed their first degree in 2014-15 were in employment or…

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European Commission ‘HR Excellence in Research’ Award for the University of Brighton

Announced by the European Commission, the University of Brighton has retained its ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award. Source: European Commission ‘HR Excellence in Research’ Award for the University of Brighton

Goodbye Penny!

This August, we say goodbye to Dr Penny Lindley who will be taking her well earned retirement after nearly a decade in the School. Penny has held a variety of roles in her time with the University, and most recently has been Assistant Head of Schooland Programme Lead for Community Health Programmes. We will miss Penny but wish her all…

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