Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Podiatry taster day a success

On 6 November as part of the Compact Plus Programme, the podiatry taster day took place at the Leaf Hospital in Eastbourne.  Students from local colleges took part in talks, made a plaster cast of their feet, carried out an examination of a cadaver in the anatomy lab and had a tour of the clinic with…

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Events and Hospitality Taster Day

If you are thinking of studying events or hospitality with us next year why not come along to our taster day on 2 December? The event takes place from 10am-12.30pm and covers the following courses: International Event Management BA(Hons) International Event Management BA(Hons) top-up degree International Hospitality Management BA(Hons) International Hospitality Management BA(Hons) top-up degree…

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First Year students hit the ground running in the CAS

The Culinary Arts Studio is once again open to the public, being run this term by our team of enthusiastic first year hospitality students. The students have already held afternoon tea events for various groups including the local Women’s Institute and held a very successful event to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

HOSPA Conference Scholarship Day

Student Sarah Waddington-Azambuja, who is studying on our International Hospitality Management top-up degree, writes on attending the recent HOSPA conference: “On Thursday 2 November 2017 I was invited to attend the HOSPA conference via an opportunity given to me in my Financial Issues module, as part of my International Hospitality Management Top Up year at…

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Learning about mixed-sex team games

Trainee physical education teachers were introduced to the only mixed-sex team game played widely in the Netherlands and Belgium – Korfball. The game of Korfball is played between teams made up of four male and four female players. The playing court is divided into two equal zones and two players of each sex are placed…

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Graduate journey: from podiatry graduate to Chief Executive

Every graduate has a different journey, Siobhan Melia (Podiatry BSc, Podiatry MSc) tells us hers, from podiatry graduate to Chief Executive of Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust.

Professional-Based learning presentation

Travel marketing consultant and entrepreneur, Helena Beard, gave a presentation to events, hospitality, tourism and sport development masters students on her perspective when working with interns and volunteers. Her company, China Travel Outbound, has welcomed a number of students and graduates onto placements over the past two years, including a third year student from Brighton earlier this…

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– a complex journey between economic gain socio-cultural preservation Join us for a free seminar on: Wednesday 6 December 2017 3-5pm Speaker Dr Claudio Milano, Ostelea School of Hospitality and Tourism, Barcelona, Spain Discussant Professor Marina Novelli, School of Sport and Service Management, University of Brighton Venue University of Brighton, Room 203, Robert Dodd building, Darley Road,…

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Award for hospitality team

A team of academics at the university’s School of Sport and Service Management have won an award that recognise innovation and excellence in hospitality management education. The award was sponsored by The Council of Hospitality Management Education executive, in association with SHARE Centre and the team received the award for their efforts with the project.   The project is a combined…

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Guest speaker from Rickshaw Travel

International Hospitality Management BA(Hons) student, Helena Cleary, writes about a recent guest lecture: “Jennifer Parker, the Meaningful Innovation and Product Team Manager at Rickshaw Travel, visited University of Brighton third year hospitality, events, tourism, physical education and sport business management students as part of the Employability, Enterprise and Innovation module on the 17 October. “Rickshaw Travel are a friendly UK based…

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